Friday, January 30, 2009


I just received a little box full of goodies from Emilyfate, who makes her jewellery out of vintage materials!I love candylicious things. And you know I also love packages.I also got a cute little top hat which wil be perfect for some show of mine, so thanks to Emily for that!

And more goodies; remember you can get a lot of eye-candy if you come to see our show at Botta tonight! It's a girls-only party, but it doesn't matter which way you bend if you want to see our show and have a fun night :)

Watch out for a toothache since I have even more sweetness coming up here;
I've been given the "Fabulous Blog" award by amazingly talented Mothersvea and super chic Janet, both quite fabulous themsleves! Thank you girls! I'm not going to tag anyone further since ther are many fabulous blogs out there and I don't like to choose betwen things.

Have a sweet weekend everyone!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Oh my oh my.
Life can sometimes be so very hard.
But it can feel a bit better to walk trough it in delicious stockings and beautiful shoes.

Stockings - Agent Provocateur; a gift from M
Shoes - My Grandmother's vintage 1940's

Monday, January 26, 2009


Recently I happened to stumble across this Jenny Hällström bow-patterned blouse I'd been coveting for quite some time already, and only for a mere sixth of the original price! That was actually double luck since unfortunately Jenny Hällström quit her brand, which I loved, last year.

Looks familiar? I also have the dress. I'm going to wear them together sometime, with my bow necklace and bowed heels. I may not be that girly as a person, but dressing up is a different matter. You cannot really wear too many bows ever, as long as you wear them with the right attitude (which is, a killer one)!

(The outfit : Shirt - Jenny Hällström (well obviously, just wrote about it), Skirt - GinaTricot, Booties - the bowed ones)

Friday, January 23, 2009


Hey ohoy! Ina is a happy little sailor girl!

Hat - from an army store
Dress - Vivien of Holloway
Anchor Pin - Olivia Rouge Shop

Pssst! Remember, it starts tomorrow! Club wanted! Rockabilly, burlesque and a whole lot of dancing!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I have a problem with shoes in the winter; I'd prefer to wear open heels all year round. This year I have been blonde enough to go for pretty over practical; skipping the boots, wearing heels in soggy snow and on frozen streets - and having a cold for the third week in a row now. Stupid, sure, but I just haven't found any suitable winter shoes that are pretty enough and I somehow have a problem with wearing boots (my mom's old boots that I like are starting to fall apart). I've never really been a fan of those ancle-high boots either but then I stumbled upon a pair in the supermarket on sale for the price of some catfood-juice-and eggs so I figured it'd be worth a try.

But I pimped them a little bit first!

They have this loop in the back with no actual funcion, except for one - to work as a bow holder!

I tied bows of silkribbon and sewed them on to a small safetypin, fastened it in the loop and sprayed the whole thing with protecting spray.

Voilà - bowed bootlets, a bit over the top, just the way I like it!

(And no, they are still not the best thing to wear in soggy snow but it still better than nothing :)

Monday, January 19, 2009


I want lots of clothes with Queens of Hearts on them in prints and patterns! Why aren't there any?

I will most likely get myself something with the The Queen of Hearts in it during spring anyway but not as printed on fabric though..

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Sunday is my day for soft music, which is well needed now since I'm spending mine in a windy, cold and snowy place...

I first read about Beth Ditto and The Gossip in Diva magazine a couple of years ago but then I totally forgot about the band. Recently I happily rediscovered them in my iTunes. Beth Ditto is fierce, oh yeah.

(And I don't think she's cool just because- to quote some others- she's gay or "hot in a miniskrit even though she's big" or whatever; in my opinion that has nothing to do with it. Why does it even have to be pointed out. She'd be cool with or without those attributes.)

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I'm sure all of you (at least in the Helsinki area) have already booked next Saturday for our Club Wanted! But you're able to get you dose of curves, laughter and glitter, or more imporant, of us, the next week also!

We'll do a two-set show at the Hehku party in Botta. So if you're a girl (since it's ladies only), head over there Jan 30th! (You can get your weekly dose of us the week after that too actually, if you were lucky or smart enough to get your ticket to the Helsinki Burlesque Festival before they sold out...)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I'm really pushing this thing with not allowing myself any new shoes unless they are in a colour I do not already have.

I did know I could live perfectly well without a pair of purple shoes, but I had been obsessing about these very ones for a couple of months already. So I had to go get them - they may not make life any better in the end but at least my feet look pretty.

(Here we go with the outfit then: Sweater - H&M, Skirt - Dr.Denim, Belt - vintage, Shoes - O.I.S)

And pssst: I know I'm not the best updater but remember - quality beats quantity!
(Well, most of the time atelast :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


It's been a winter wonderland here the past days and I've been dressing up warm in the snow (for once).
Now I'm dressing up even warmer and heading to Oslo to visit M for the weekend!
Have a good one! (weekend, that is :)

(The outfit : everything is old except for the Wimbledon headband which is new. I got my soft package :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


These days, with my amount of shoes, I can only justify getting new ones with two facts - 1) that they're either utterly practical for any occasion whatsoever or 2) that they are in a colour that I do not already have.

So I got these nice heels from ModCloth with the intention to make them darker, since they don't really qualify for the pradctical part and since I already have a pair in this colour but not in dark brown.

The heels before: (it's very hard taking pictures around here without getting a cat in them too :)

And the heels after (I also changed the ribbon since the original one was too thin to colour):

This was the first time I tried leather colour and the result turned out really nice! A friend of mine coloured a pair he found on a flea market red and I've been keen on trying it myself for quite some time now.

I used a spray on colour (there are also paint-ons available) and it attached fine to these shoes even thought they are not real leather. They anded up a lot shinier than they were before. I bought the colour form the cobblers (who is quite cute and real stylish by the way. His shop is in my house so I pop in there every now and then, heh :) and he recommended that I'd use some regular shoepolish in brown on these afterwards to make the reslut more lasting.

If anyone's keen on trying I have a few hints though that I noticed I should've followed myself:
-I wrapped my feet in plastic and sprayed the colour on while wearing the shoes to fill out the shoe properly and so that the inside wouldn't colour. I also covered the sole with some tape since I wanted it to stay in it's original light colour.
- it's good to wear the shoes in a bit before colouring. If you colour them brand new like I did the colour will cracle up when you wear them the first time. It happened to mine and it actually gave them a rather nice vintage-like touch but I wanted them in a solid colour so i just coloured them a second time and it turned out fine
-I guess this goes for all shoes out of man-made materials but don't wear them if it's -10C outside. The colour will cracle and you'll catch a cold...

Monday, January 5, 2009


Remember about a month ago I wrote about the Ofelia Second Hand Market? I was showing a dress by Olivia Rouge, which was made according to my measurements. I finally received the photos now!

Need to say I bought the dress afterwards?

I also got the little coctail hat. You can order a similar dress like this and others from the Olivia Rouge Shop. It's only in Finnish so far but you can make inquiries to her in English.

(Btw Olivia has quite recently strated a blog;

Photos above by Hannu Hurme

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year to all!!

Last outfit of the past year, first of the new one! (well, naturally. Unless I'd have changed clothes right at midnight or so :)

Everything was red expet for my lips and nails that were burgundy and my champagne that was pink.

(Trixie Dress from Trashy Diva, earrings from Silly Girl. The necklace is selfmade from a broken bracelet and also works as a brooch)