Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Wedding Flowers

Leading up to Christmas is filled with all sorts of activities, organizing food, presents, flowers, holiday accommodation. Is the spare room ready for guests? Yes it is chaotic and the list is endless.

Yet it can be exhilarating when you and your partner decide to marry at Christmas.

Whether it be a winter wonderland wedding or get away to the tropics. This is a time when your wedding will make a huge impact on family and friends regardless of the destination.

It's Christmas time, a time for goodwill towards all men. A wedding to top it off always brings added joy.

Wedding flowers at Christmas during winter are gorgeous. Perfect time for tulips, hyacinths, freesias, and so on. A winter wonderland theme is perfect to entertain your guests with at Christmas time if your in the Northern Hemisphere.

For those considering a tropical Christmas wedding the season swings to the vibrant colored lilies and orchids, roses and a rainbow of colors in a large range of florist blooms to choose from. Tropical beach wedding on the sunny shores are breath taking with frangipani or orchids to dance in your hair.

Florist flowers are chosen specifically for their longevity,they are grown in hot houses to suit all seasons.

Wedding flowers are special no matter the season nor the choice of flower, it is always smart to know when your choice of bloom is in season,whether it be a Christmas wedding or a tropical beach wedding. Seek advice and know what is in season for your wedding to save any disappointment.

Source :

Dream Destination Wedding in a Puerto Vallarta Villa

Every woman dreams of her wedding at some exotic destination with beautiful white sand beaches, pristine clear waters, magnificent Villa and surrounded by her close ones. If you thought this is just a dream then you could not be more wrong. You can have your wedding with great style and sophistication in a luxury Villa in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Now, you could have your Wedding in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on while sand beaches or in a Luxury rental Villa or on beautiful grounds. You can choose a traditional wedding with a white dress, long veil, train, lots of exotic flowers and vows or you can opt for a simple yet elegant look with a slip dress. The entire Villa Rentals in Mexico can be yours and share this most important day in your life with your friends, relatives to share the joy and happiness of your wedding.

A private Luxury rental vacation Villa in Puerto Vallarta Mexico is equipped with all amenities and features. If you thought a luxury Villa on rent will be very extravagant then you will be surprised on how affordable rental vacation villas are in Mexico. Here superb villas with ever caring and competent attendants and chefs come at very economical prices. The atmosphere in Puerto Vallarta is very relaxed and you will enjoy a carefree vacation in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. A lifelong memory of your destination wedding is so close to your hands.

Wedding planner will take care of all arrangements and you will have to just sit back and soak the atmosphere and enjoy once in a life time moment with your loved ones sharing your most important day in the intimate luxury of a villa in Mexico.

If you want to fulfill your childhood dream of a wedding by the Oceanside, come to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and make your dream comes true!

Source :

Wedding Cake Design for Gay


wedding cakes
Wedding Cake Design for Gay

This is an example of wedding cake design with a strange style and rarely encountered. Why? Because this cake has a design for marriage for gays. Above cakes can you know there are a couple of accessories of the same type. Maybe wedding cake colors can be ideas for weddings, especially for the style you want to get married.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Wedding Cake of Many Combinations Designs


wedding cakes

The Wedding Cake of Many Combinations Designs

A wedding cake that incorporates several design characteristics of the cake in a package cake level. Make a wedding cake has become interesting and a lot of choice for guests who come to your wedding. Someone will feel like trying to feel and try baking it. One by one, or mix into a sense ... sure it's always interesting.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I started something of a project this fall as I noticed that I own many summer dresses, party dresses, fancy dresses...All in all: I own a lot of dresses. But I also realized I actually have quite few day dresses for colder seasons; the project being to rationalize my wardrobe. (well slightly at least, you can't be too rational when it comes to dresses).

First of all - get rid of things I never use (hence my other blog - a very slow project), second - collect a set of practical, pretty and versatile dresses, suitable for everyday wear; dresses that's easy to dress up as well as dress down. Basically you of course could dress any gown down but it is also a question of weather one want's to wear (as in wear out) that silk dress on a basic Tuesday or not.

Now I know for some ladies such a thing as a day dress does not exist as any dress will feel and appear fancy enough, if one is not used to wearing them, but for me (as well as most of you know I guess) that's not the case.

So far only half of my project has been successful as it seems to take a some time to reduce my wardrobe (it's moving forward though, I will put up some more things for auctioning soon), but I have managed (surprise surprise) to collect some dresses that will go for almost whenever, wherever; the cherry dress being one of them for example, the brown one another.

And here's a third!

Easily dressed up by wearing thinner stockings, matching the shoes, adding only a few but fancy accessories, making a nice do.

The outfit dressed down - thicker stockings, basic cardigan, less fancy accessories, less fancy hair.

(The dress is ModCloth and it's the smallest Large I've ever worn. Must have been designed by real tiny people.)

The Wedding Cake Classic and Unique with the Degree

wedding cakes
The Wedding Cake Classic and Unique with the Degree

You may rarely see anything to see a wedding cake with a classic design and striking with the degree. Decorated with shapes and colors are not so good between the brown and blue, with accessories that are used for extra decorations so simple to make this is one of the classic wedding cake in the first era. But the truth with a little variation and a better fit then the cake can be transformed into more interesting and far from a classic impression. Surely you also need to know that many bridal couples want to try and feel the classic shades that have become part of the times.

Friday, November 27, 2009


It has been raining here so mcuch lately that it apparently has to rain even when the sun is shining. But at least you get pretty rainbows that way. (And apparently the divers who are fixing the dock from underneath should've found a big bunch of gold.)

Wedding Cake in the design of Roller Coaster


WEDDING CAKES,The Roller Coaster Wedding Cake
Wedding Cake in the design of Roller Coaster

The Roller Coaster Wedding Cake. Roller Coaster an exciting game and great. So what if the ideas and styles made for the Roller Coaster wedding cake design. Surely that sort of a crazy idea, but according to some it is a good idea and the unique character of premises that only marriage will probably happen only once in a lifetime so make the wedding into something different and unique memories to be something it is not a mistake.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


An easy way to make a 'do is to pull your curled hair back in some sections and use decorated combs to make it all stay in place. My cherry combs are made by darling Rascal.

Amazing Wedding Dresses for Perfect Marriage

wedding dresses
Amazing Wedding Dresses for Perfect Marriage

Wedding dresses are perfect and beautiful. It is desired by many of the bride. Because they want a perfection and beauty that will enchant the groom. Slim design with a woman's curves so that there is beauty in itself appear to maximum in the event that will be the future of memory, a wedding that never be forgotten. The combination of beautiful design themes accordance with appropriate supporting accessories such as jewelry and red roses will make it a one thing that would be a bride's dream.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Even though I am trying to reduce the amount of stuff I consume and gather upon me around my home and even though I in the end acatually wear quite few accessories - apart from scarves and hair such - I do love those pretty things one can decorate oneself with. If not always to wear, just to look at and admire.

Last year I wrote about soft packages. This year Santa can bring me some small and slightly harder ones.

A few of the pretty thigs to be found online from some talented readers of mine:
-Lovely knitted headbands and pom pom shoe clips from Frollein von Sofa
-Delicious rose shaped ring from Morado on Etsy
-Feathered and bowed cluthces from LouLou Bontemps.
The bicycle necklace is from ModCloth.

Wedding Dress with Modern Beach Theme

Wedding Dress,Wedding Dress with Modern Beach Theme
Wedding Dress with Modern Beach Theme

There may never have an idea to the theme of your wedding which was held at a beach. It is a great idea and interesting for you to test, but you squeeze confused about how to create or select a design right wedding dress with shades of beautiful beaches and natural that will bring you into a different nature. You do not have to worry, because you can see one of the wedding dress design for a modern beach theme. If you feel less cock, you can slightly modify the color change or by providing additional accessories to fit you. In essence, this dress displays the beauty / natural beauty of the bride possessed by such natural beauty on the beach itself.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Romantic Trends for 2010 Wedding Dresses Design

 Wedding Dresses Design
Romantic Trends for 2010 Wedding Dresses Design

A beautiful wedding dress for the trend in the year 2010. White color combination with embroidery down the length makes this dress more beautiful and attractive, plus accessories combination of red roses to be taken by the bride. A captivating blend, making the eyes of the law will be enchanted beauty created. Interesting design models for you to test and feel the comfort and beauty that will make you will be amazed.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Well hello global warming! I'm wearng my September jacket in November.

I've stumbled across warm weather in blogs lately as it seems to be especially warm for the season everywhere. But where bloggers in the norther part of the US blog about sunshine in something that almost resembles a very late indian summer and middle European girls enjoy nice warm autumn days at + 15 C, a mild November over here means +7 and rain. Sunshine or not, it gets dark a bit over 15 o'clock here already. And it will get darker for one moth still. Yey.

Everything I'm wearing is vintage except for the shoes (which btw are much comfier by now :)

Romantic Wedding Dresses and Gowns

Romantic Wedding Dresses and Gowns
Romantic Wedding Dresses and Gowns

Marriage and beautiful is the dream of every bride. So the selection of romantic wedding gown and in accordance with the wedding theme is something important. Design of a romantic wedding dress tailored to the beauty and character of the woman herself, if the character design is matched by the beauty of the bride and romantic at the wedding will be felt and perfect in memory of the future. An event that will be a wonderful story for the bride. Love and affection in building a new life, great life

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today I crawled out of bed to go to my father's birthday lunch and now I'm making myself ready to go and perform at Club Wanted, as well as to check out the bands and our guest star for the night; Mimi de Frou Frou.

I'm being smart and bit lazy in the same time and will wear the same dress for both occasions, only change to darker lips, lighter stockings and red heels and let the locks out for the evening. I had my hair pin curled under the beret the wole day so I'm about to open up some huge locks now. (I figured a beret works better to wear to a restaurant than the scarf I normally roll around my head to keep my curls in place. I wear a beret that's big and loose enough to fit standing pin curls on the top of the head, although they do get a bit flat of course :)

My cherry dress is as comfy as it's lovely and it's from Big Beautiful Barbara Brown.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


The mail man dropped something very nice through the mail drop this morning; my Milk Toof book I had ordered not that long ago but almost forgot about already! Which of course made me very happy since I've been in love with these small theeth a long time.
Oh ♥

If some of you are not familiar with My Milk Toof yet, I suggest you take your time and browse trough the whole site. You'll love it! It's the sweetest blog I know. The book is sold out by now though, but I'm happy I was there in time to get myself a copy.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I'm sick at home with a flu and alone so today there's no dressing up. Instead I'm making soup - a broccoli and lentil soup that I once tried out from scratch and turned out surprisingly good and has worked well ever since.

You'll need green lentils, broccoli, cooking cream and spices of your own preference. I've started to freak out over natrium glutamate so I'm not adding any stock cubes for taste, rather some garlic and bits of chopped onion, gourmet salt, pepper and a hint of chili. I prefer to use ecological vegetable cooking cream since it's additive free. I'm trying to be more concious about these things (and every now and then I actually succeed to be).

First, rinse about half a coffee cup of lentils and place them in cold water with the onions (or stock cube) and heat up.

Add the rinsed and slightly chopped broccoli when the lentils have gone soft. I actually use quite little water; it heats up faster and rather steams the broccoli than cooks it, that saves more vitamins. And no need to pour the boiling water away either. Cook under a lid until the broccoli is soft.

Add about one cup of cooking cream. Heat up and use a mixer/blender to mash it into a smooth puree.

Sprinkle on some pepper and whatever else you feel like, chopped herbs or such, and serve!

Since I'm slightly obsessed with not having a too monotonic colour sheme on my plate I have my green soup with a tomato sandwhich (on roasted rye bread with tahini) and some pineapple juice (which I normally only have for breakfast but hey, I'm ill). And mango sorbet for dessert. (Not so bad being sick in some aspects no :)

And believe it or not, my little carnivore Lulu enjoyed what was let of the soup. Who would've thought!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Hairdo #5:

Some weekends ago my youngest sister V popped by my harbor salon to get her hair and make up done for a student ball (in other words, I took a break from the loadig and turned my office in to a temporary studio ).

My sister is not in to vintage but her long gown had a 30's cut and vibe to it so I made her something timeless but still slightly inspired from that era; a orchid shaped bun on one side of the head and the hair in front laid into and S-shaped curl resembling a marcel wave.

You can do this in six rather easy steps:

1) Part your hair on the side of your head. If your hair is damp start in good time by separating the front section of hair and comb the rest into a ponytail or such at the side of your head. Add some gel or serum, depending on what you prefer, to the front and pin it into a S-shaped wave along the side of your head. Wait for it to dry. If you start off with dry hair you'll just make the curl with an iron and pin it when the rest is done.

2) Add some mousse and curl the edges of you hair.

3) Comb your hair to the side and fasten it into a ponytail just behind your ear. If you had your front section pinned wet carefully loosen the lower pins to make the ponytail sleek to the other side.

4) Part the ponytail in three sections; two smaller ones on top and one big at the bottom. Roll them around two fingers, the upper ones upwards and the lower one downwards, fasten them with a couple of pins inside the rolls. Try to hide the pins as well as you can but be careful not to make the roll loose or frizzy while you do so. Spray.

5) Secure the curl in front; if you started out with damp hair it should stay in shape pretty well; you can remove the pins but keep/add one to the bottom of the curl to secure it. If you curled it with an iron, re-shape it a bit against your head and pin it in place. In both cases, press the curl gently towards your head and spray.

6) Add an orchid (or some other flower or decoration, a feathered pin perhaps?) in the middle of the bun to cover up the snood of the ponytail possibly showing in between. I used a synthetic flower without any hairpin attached to it, that I just stuck in the bun. I secured it with one pin I tucked in from the inside of one of the rolls.

Then just on with your heels and (fake-)fur boa and head for the ball!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Having Your Wedding on Santorini Island

Wouldn't it be great to have a wedding in a foreign country, especially if this country is Greece? As I was looking around, I found many brochures of Santorini Island and I have to admit that this place surely attracted me the most. It looked really ideal to go and see the difference of visiting this place than others and experience staying at one of the many luxury hotels that the island offers.

What matters for you to notice, it is not only those wonderful talks and reviews of other people who have already been there, but how can a couple from a far place can be easily convinced to have their wedding on this island. But that could only be done by a complete wedding package offered by travel agencies or Santorini hotels directly. All the hotels have excellent wedding planners, well experienced that have a variety of ideas on how couples would like to present their special day to their guests. They had a complete list of couturier, jewelers, flower shops, beautician or beauty parlor that can be chosen by the couples according to their needs and wants for the upcoming celebration.

Couples who want to make their wedding very private, away from crowded neighborhoods and gate crashers will surely get the solemnity of the occasion if the wedding will be done inside the hotels. Many of Santorini hotels have a little chapel inside where the ceremony can be done. It would be wiser though for the couple though to take a mini vacation first on the island, choose the right hotel and then talk with the organizer of the wedding. Through this conversation, they will be given specific pointers and tips when, where, what why and how could their wedding become so unique and memorable.

Tips like when is the best time, month or day to get married in Santorini island, as well as where would be the best place to have the reception and the honeymoon, how many quests they will have, what are the excellent things that will be used by both parties, whether it would be a color motif of the dress, kind of flowers, fashion dress, make-up and accessories, if they are going to have a traditional Greek wedding or any other questions that the couple may have.

Source :

Friday, November 13, 2009

Brides Cut Wedding Flower Costs with DIY Arrangements

With the average cost of professional wedding flower arrangements running between $500-1200, it’s no wonder that more and more brides are turning to do-it-yourself wedding flowers.

Wedding Flowers-DIY is a Web-based company that provides brides-to-be with the training necessary to make beautiful, creative, and lasting wedding flower arrangements. They offer step-by-step tutorials with photographs and easy to follow instructions for dozens of traditional and trendy wedding flowers arrangements, from the bridal bouquet and wedding party flowers to the altar arrangements and table centerpieces.

Certified Master Florist and experienced professional wedding florist Jo Lind shares tips and tricks learned through years of designing wedding flowers. After creating wedding flower arrangements for five family weddings in eight months on a shoestring budget, Jo Lind had learned a lot about do-it-yourself wedding flowers.

She reinforced her hard-won knowledge with floral arrangement classes, finally becoming a certified Master Florist and training under some of Oklahoma’s top floral designers. In the last few years, Lind has created beautiful floral arrangements for hundreds of large and small weddings, and visited dozens of bridal fairs to keep up with current trends. Wedding Flowers-DIY takes her experience and knowledge and makes it easily accessible to brides-to-be working on their own shoestring budgets.

Her step-by-step tutorials include:

• How to keep bouquets, corsages, and boutonnieres from wilting before the wedding

• Tips for choosing the color, style, and kind of flowers for each arrangement

• How to transport and store wedding flowers

• Dressing up basic wedding flower arrangements

• Tips for floral accents on wedding cakes

Wedding Flowers-DIY also maintains an online gallery with photographs of different wedding flower arrangements arranged by style and color. Brides-to-be can use the gallery as an inspiration to help choose the style and color of their wedding flowers. Wedding planners should visit today to learn more about creating professional looking wedding flower arrangements at a do-it-yourself price.


Eddi & I at the Halloween Horror Cabaret by Atelieri O.Haapala (who says they will do one more gig still, November 28th! Keep your eyers open... ).

I'm wearing the long velvet 1930's evening gown that I picked up at my ederly relative some time ago.

(If you're in the mood for some zombielesque check this :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009