Sunday, November 30, 2008


Yes I know, I really am trying to outdo myself when it comes to coming up with stupid headlines.

But anyway.

I've always found comics with a touch of film noir as well as superhero- and classic comics rather inspiring (not to mention noir flics themselves too of course). The world that's drawn, the way it's drawn. But most of all, the ladies in them.

The men in this world have troubled minds (they're most often a detective or such), they wear a trenchcoat and hat and have a weakness for alcohol and women. Or then they are the superheroes; in daytime rather regular guys, at night time worldsaving hunks. And they all have a somewhat complicated realationship to the The Woman. *

The Woman is something of a femme fatale, showing up at the office door behind a curtain of smoke.
She has a habit of getting into trouble.

Or, then she is trouble.

The Superhero Girlfriend again is rather preppy but still adventurous, hanging out on rooftops and running around dark alleys in her fitted skirt and always perfetly shiny hair while trying to find out the identity of her superhero boyfriend (while possibly getting into trouble).

Jacket and blouse - oldl H&M, Skirt - Selfmade,
Silk Bow Stockings - Vogue, Shoes - Minna Parikka

*) Most of the guys around here actually fit the first descrition pretty well - the alcohol and women but minus the trench and the hat (and without us being in Gotham city). That, and the fact that Johnny Depp is already taken -he has nothing to do with comics but is worth a mention every now and then anyway- makes me go for the option of the Superhero Hunk. I wouldn't mind being Batman's girlfriend for a while. (Preferrably -ok, only - the Bale version. Oh yeah and with a happy ending).

(The comic and film noir images are googled up and the rest of the pics taken by Ina.)

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