Thursday, June 4, 2009


Last time when I made my ’photo an hour’ I got some comments on the fact that I didn’t seem to work that much :)

Well, that’s true for some days, since I work periodically – when I work in the harbour I work a lot and thus have almost as much free time after that, when I normally work with my design business. But sometimes I work with both things during one day. On top of that I do burlesque related things almost daily during a more hectic period, weekly if there aren't any new numbers or shows coming up. (And no I don’t sleep that much). But then again I have the advatage of sometimes making my weekend five days longer if I wish to!

So, this time it's time for a different photo an hour (from a few weeks back actually since I postponed this one a bit); Thursday.

9:00I have breakfast by the window and read about all those festivals and jamborees I won’t have the time to visit this summer (but about the gigs I will!). Then I finish a design job I've been working on and send the final files to print.

I go for some jogging in the allotment gardens nearby - I love to watch the tiny over decorated houses and their plants! (When I am outside and look up to my window my cats are always sitting there. I wonder if they recognize the tiny little me on the ground through the window?)

I drive to another part of town, where all the houses are in pastel colours and have small towers and pinnacles. I go to see to a seamstress (I guess in this case I'm entitled to write my seamtress :). She's making me a corset for an upcoming number of mine.

And then it’s vroom vroom off to work

Time to change
Then I go on with the loading hundreds of meters and hundreds of tons of cargo on to ships. Or, I do not load myself. I organize and supervise.

I receive a strange but pretty sweet gift from one of the harbour guys. A framed portrait of Marilyn and some smoothies.

Time for the obligatory milkshake of the day!

There's a nice sunset in the harbour. Sunsets are always nice by the sea.

I come home to two waiting kitties, some trash mail and a sea of shoes.

Pretty much how this Thursday's been so far too, except for I went to the doctor's and not the seamtress before work. And no gifts received today...yet.

EDIT : Amazing - a while after posting I did receive a present! (yes I blog during work hours). I got a book this time. From the same guy.

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