Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I'm so busy nowadays I almost forget how to breathe from time to time. But it's a good thing also (not the un-breathing, the busyness) resulting in more than plenty great events and shows coming up:

First of all, we are going to throw a great night at Storyville on Friday! Sotryville is ranked as one of the best jazz clubs in Europe and we will present some new numbers there!

The last Wanted of the year is on Saturday 19th. Sally Vanilla will be our guest star and I will perform a duo with Lola.

On New Years Eve I will load my last ship with my hair pin curled (that's the thing with work like that, it happens every day no matter whan celebration or holiday it is...) and then do my make up in the car while heading from Helsinki to Tampere for the New Year Burlesque Extravaganza. E and I intend to do a lot of swing dancing after the show; Sweet Jeena and her Lazy lions are playing. We've performed with Jeena's rockabilly ensemble some times before, but she also does great swing. A very talented lady indeed.
Get the tickets and dinner cards from Vaudeville Boutique.

And more: Club Wanted will celebrate it's first birthday on January 2nd at a new location, Bar Loose downtown!

Tinkerbell and I will perform in between to great bands on January 5th at Lepakkomies. Look out for the surprise guest!

Together with Sally Vanilla we'll throw in some burlesque-a-go-go to the tunes of the Patsy Walkers on their gig at Loose, January 16th. Plus an not-yet-confirmed but-will-be-great happening in the end of january...

I'm going to try and throw in some celebrating Christmas and a small trip to Oslo in between too. And remember how to breathe.

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