Tuesday, March 2, 2010


& such stuff

and more questions if you so like

As pretty as the cardigan is, I decided not to buy it it - over 100 euros is still quite a lot. Of course, now that I decided not to get it, it suddenly feels like I've saved, or even been given 108€ to spend on anything with a price below that. Strange logics you may think, but that's the way it goes.

So I decided on buying a new camera. It does cost eight times as much as the cardigan, but I get it for five times as much. So here again I go gain, saving money! You may think this does not make much sense, or that the two things aren't even connected, but in a strange way it does, and in a strange way the are..

Then I've been getting some questions about my job. And such. And my car underneath all that snow.

How do I know it's my car under there?
Well, I sure hope it is - since that's where I left it :) And I've been checking up on it every now and then, to see it's still OK under there.

How do I get around?
Fortunately we have rather well-working public transportation here in Helsinki. (Although today bus drivers will go on strike. About the only bus line affected in the Helsinki traffic is the one I take to the harbour. Great.) And in winter, this one at least, it's probably easier without a car - I'd say 50% of all parking spaces are gone due to the snow, and it's easy to get stuck in it (the snow). At least if you live in the centre like me. This will btw be my last winter in the centre of town, but more on that later.

Was that me in the pick in the winter post?
Yes. That's how I look at work. I remember someone sometimes ask for an "outfit" post from work. Well there it was. In minus 20 celcius, may I add.

Do I/we at work have to stay out all day long?
That depends on our ships but the maximum is about three hours. Which is a lot in winter of course. I have a lot of things to do in my office too so I have to stay indoors more than the others. Have to, in summer. Can, thank god, in winter :)

The winged-sweater in this post is from H&M, from December last year.

Well anyway, if there are any questions troubling your head you may ask them now and I'll answer them next week! Time to ask until then!

Oh, and a little update on the updates:
if you're a frequent reader and commenter and I for some reason haven't added you to my blogroll and you'd like to be there, please let me know. I'm a bit un-organized when it comes to these things!

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