Sunday, April 25, 2010


So the main reason of our day trip yesterday was to visit the second annual vintage/retro fair in Tallinn. I was a bit curious on what was to be found there; soviet memorabilia, pre-WWII items or the same kind of stuff we are used to over here? I knew there'd be furniture, which I was looking forward to that the most, so we came by car.

Held in a good location, the fair was rather small but sympathetic. It had a little bit of everything; clothes, accessories, record, the usual this-and-that, but maybe not the most selected range of vintage items. I was positively surprised about the furniture however - there were really nice pieces. And everybody was really nice.

Here we are posing with wonderful Margit, the organizer, and with the nice lady that sold the furniture. ( I have no idea what's up with my posture there though. I look like a bag o potato. A bag of potato in a nice dress though...)

This handsome young man served us free Martinis.

And you don't say No to that. I wouldn't have said no to that fifties' shelf in the background either, but I had to leave it behind.

This little black chair however followed Ina home. (It's a good thing we actually got something bigger too, since the fair was just around the corner to the harbour and the car would've been totally useless otherwise :)

And we got that cream coloured stool. I didn't know it then, but it will go perfectly along with an old make up table I bid on and won for a bargain today!

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