Tuesday, June 29, 2010


On the night of midsummers day I drove out to Eddi's house in the countryside after work. Eddi and his bother have taken over their family farm and run it besides their normal work. It's about a 50 min drive out of town - not that much maybe, but enough for me and oh-so-out in the country.

Muuh, see?


Wherever you go outside of town there are always something growing to put on your sandwich, or salad. Chive at least.

(Obvious problems keeping the sandwich together.)

One o clock in the night.

The next morning I drove back to the harbour. See how my magnificent car sparkles in the morning sun :)

Wedding Supplies

There is a charge to buy abounding altered things afore a bells date. Numerous affairs are fabricated for bells for which purchases are to be done. One of the important purchases is food for the wedding. You accept to analysis a lot to acquisition best supplies. So you accept to booty affliction of some important things like the blush of clothes called by bride, the affair of the bells and abounding added food afore and afterwards the wedding.

It is the dream of all the bodies in this apple to accomplish their bells day a appropriate and memorable one. It should not alone be memorable for helpmate and benedict but additionally for the guests accessory the wedding. So it is their albatross to agree all the things that are to be acclimated for wedding. But do not anticipate that they accept to booty circuit of bazaar consistently to buy the things. They aloof accept to agree the things that are purchased and say yes and no on it. Their role is to aloof canyon the things of abort it.

But it is the albatross of both helpmate and benedict to acquirement ability for the appropriate guests. It is their assignment to accept the absolute allowance for annual babe and the arena bearer. Buying ability is the aggregate albatross of both helpmate and groom.

Wedding food can additionally be bought by consulting the bells planner. These bells planners advice both helpmate and benedict to accept ability for their guests and their appropriate friends. They accept the aftertaste of helpmate and benedict and again action them altered choices from which they can decide. You can additionally booty the advice of bells boutiques. These boutiques are acclaimed for designing bells dresses for helpmate and benedict but now a canicule they accept started a new business of affairs added bells supplies. It is not accessible in all the bells boutiques but in called one.

Wedding food are additionally accessible on internet and additionally on actual low cost. Low amount does not beggarly that the affection is additionally low. But there are discounts accessible on internet. All you accept to do is aloof chase for these sites on Google and you will get a basin of bells supplies. Additionally you do not accept to roam about in active markets to chase for some products. You can get aggregate on your aperture steps.

But there are some things that are brash afore authoritative a accord for any bells supplies. While finalizing a accord for a bells accumulation it is important that you analysis all the aircraft and administration costs. Most bodies balloon this affair and accomplish their account attending high. So to plan a able account it is actual important to accede this thing.

You additionally accept to accomplish abiding about the deadlines for carrying the bells supplies. This is a above agency that you accept to consider. It is acute to affirm the timings for the bells supplies, decoration, reception, etc. All the choices are fabricated by helpmate and benedict collectively and all decisions are taken by them.

All the food are aboriginal arrested by the helpmate and benedict and again accepted or final placement. All things are planned with anniversary added so that there is no aberration in the planned budget. This is the absolute way to plan a absolute wedding.



BMW Motorcycles review and specification

Bmw Motorcycles review and specification-blackBmw Motorcycles review and specification-blueBmw Motorcycles review and specification-whiteBmw Motorcycles suitcase review and specification-whitethere are 5 BMW motorcycle models in the American terbaru and you can choose the one you want according to their own, usually he can slang lebi steady if choosing what he chose as his own. honda motor

Motorcycle Triumph Sprint GT

Triumph Sprint GT Motorcycle Triumph Sprint GT Headlight Triumph Sprint GT Brakes

Wallpaper Yamaha FZ8

Yamaha FZ8 White Series Yamaha FZ8 Black Series Yamaha FZ8 Blue Series

Sweden Beach Wedding Suit

Wedding Dress, Wedding Dresses

Monday, June 28, 2010


Today I started my much longed for week off after seven days of working. We went furniture shopping after work and I had some problems with what to wear, or rather how to find it as most of my clothes are still in suitcases (except for the really pretty ones; they were the first things I brought over and hung up :). Eddi was wondering why I cared about what to wear when going chair hunting but after a week in the harbour in these "babies" looking like this, I do care a lot.
Plus, you always get better service when you look at least slightly impressive.

Flat is developing, but it takes time and I am oh so impatient. I'll head over to my accountant and then the beauty salon to cool down a bit.

Safari dress - a great find from a charity shop a couple of years back
Shoes - a surprising bargain at Andiamo (or was even it K-Kenkä!) a couple of years back
Belt - my mom's old I think.

Modifications Kawasaki Ninja 250 Touring Bags and Boxes

Modifications Kawasaki ninja 250 touring bags and boxes

Swedish Wedding

Wedding Dresses, Wedding Dress

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Renting a Wedding Dress

It is a dream of every woman to get affiliated in a actual beautiful and comfortable way. The bells dress is advised to be one of the best adored dresses of a bride. There are abounding brides who accumulate their bells dresses preserved so that they can canyon them on to their daughters and granddaughters. If you buy a bells dress from an affected bazaar again they can absolutely be actual expensive. If you are on a account again you charge accede either renting a dress or affairs it from abatement store.

In this article, I would mainly like to acquaint you about the assorted capital things that you charge absolutely accumulate in apperception while you are renting a bells dress.

1. Selecting the absolute store

There are assorted food in the bazaar that mainly specialize in renting bells dresses to the brides. You can face assorted altered problems while renting the dress that is why it is capital for you to backpack out a through out bazaar research. There are assorted big conjugal food and saloons that accord bells apparel on the rent. You aloof accept to appointment the boutique in adjustment to baddest the absolute dress for yourself. There are assorted acceptable websites operating on the internet that can additionally advice you to hire these dress.

2. Do your arcade in advance

If you appetite to hire a abundant bells dress for yourself again you can backpack out your arcade in advance. There are actual few renting options and some rentals do not alike acquiesce you to get the dress adapted according to your size. In adjustment to baddest the absolute dress for your bells you charge try out as abounding rentals as you can. It is actual capital for the dress to fit you altogether appropriately award the adapted dress is awful important.

3. Considering rental packages

You will see that assorted boutiques and saloons additionally hire bells accessories in accession to the dress. If you appetite analogous accessories with your bathrobe clothes again it is important for you to booty rental packages. This is a absolutely actual acceptable accord as the rental amalgamation usually includes bells shoes, tiara, bells jewelry, veil, changeable and added bells accessories.

4. Signing the rental agreement

If you are renting a dress again there is a rental acceding that you charge to sign. In the arrangement the date of dress commitment and date of acknowledgment are additionally mentioned so that you accept no confusions.

Well aloft mentioned are some awful capital credibility that you charge to bethink while renting a bells dress.


Led Zeppelin is a great band and this is a great song for lying on the grass in the sunshine, having the wind mess up your hair, resting your hangover/melancholy/lazy afternoon away; feeling the summer.

(Oh those you tube videos. This one has the words attached so you can sing along. Ta ta!)

Sweden Wedding Tradition and Center of Attention

Wedding Dress, Wedding Dresses
Sweden Wedding Tradition and Center of Attention

Yamaha Vixion Drag Concept

Yamaha Vixion Drag ConceptYamaha Vixion concept with a light dragVixion specifications:pretentious front: upside downcustom swing armcustom bodycustom exhaust

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Princess Victoria Wedding - Princess Court

Dresses, Wedding Dresses
Princess Victoria Wedding - Princess Court


I've gone bazookas over the internet here at work, following one strange link after another - you know how it goes. It's one crazy world out there.

But as I'm sitting here making loads of money (well, depending on how you see it of course, at least loads more than if I'd be out celebrating midsummer and spending it you know) I also decided to get myself a little something (those ladies at my new local post office will get to know me very very soon. Almost have already :).

So I got this little lovely romper!

From ModCloth.

Let's just hope it will fit over my behind! Or hips (a common problem with items that have legs and not a wide hem). And since it's rather short I might have to take a run or two as I've compensated my lack of exercise with eating pizza (makes sense yes) over the past months.

The only problem with rompers and playsuits are the fact that you basically have to get naked in order to pee. But I can live with that.

Picture Yamaha YZF-R6

Walpaper Honda CBR

Red Honda CBROrange,Black Honda CBRBlack Honda CBR


Next Friday, July 2nd (is it going to be July already? Oh my.) Tampere will go all exotic due to the Burlesque Coctail-party, held att YO-talo, organized by Tampere Burlesque.:

I will be elsewhere as the Helsinki Cruising Club is on the same night, but you can catch for example Sally Vanilla and the Finnish Blonde Burlesque troupe on stage. There will also be a Mucha-inspired Dr.Sketchy's held before the event starts!

Now the following one mostly goes out to the Finns, but of course to everyone else too who happens to be around: Vaudeville Boutique is offering one of you the chance to win two tickets to the event!

Enter by leaving a comment below and make sure to leave me your email if you do not have a blog or such trough which I can reach you. The contest is up until Wednesday, June 30th at around 15:00(EET).


Fifty Dollar Vintage lists nine vintage pieces a day, fifty dollars a piece.
They are now offering you a 15% discount with the coupon code FREELANCERS.

The offer is valid until July 15th.

Yamaha YZF R1 2007

Wallpaper Yamaha YZF R1 2007

Friday, June 25, 2010


"The sun get's up at 03:55 and sets at 22:50. The day is 18 hours and 55 minutes."
( Helsinki forecast 25.6.2010 / Finnish Institute of Meteorology)

(Bedroom, still in progress.)

I've been away for a while, well, kind of; had a busy week behind me; working the early shift, having a record sleeve shot, living around boxes, running around picking up ordered house-stuff here and there. And I also smashed our work-van in an accident in the harbor. Chaotic. I am a very right here, right now person when it comes to some things, like home. I hate not to get the shelves up right away I cannot stand it when parts to whatever are missing. The wireless internet is not working fo some reason. It drives me crazy. Bazookas. But, things are starting to find their place now and I calm down.

Today it's midsummer and most people have fled town, heading out for the countryside to celebrate the light (and get totally drunk) like the tradition is. I'm staying in town alone however as I'll be working all holiday long. A lot of people get devastated when they here someone will have to work during midsummer as most places are closed, but - the harbor never closes. Its not that bad; I've worked many midsummers before. I'll just take it easy with some white at home and try to get rid of all the boxes, boxes, boxes tonight.

It's so light up here at this time of year; the nights around midsummer are pretty magic. It never gets darker than a pale shade of lavender, and that does not last for more than a few hours.

I've been getting up at five the sun is already shining brightly then. It feels as amazing each year, every morning - I always tend to forget that this is what it's like (and get as chocked every winter at how dark and cold it actually is…)

I remember those summer nights years back that were all spent out on town - eyes almost hurting when coming out of the nightclub into the bright late night, early morning. It always felt as strange. Sometimes I went straight to the morning shift from the bars, blinking my make up heavy lids to the strong morning sun at four thirty. (I could never pull that off nowadays). I've spent some June nights higher up in the country at festivals and such - the sun doesn't set there at all (as compensation to the almost total darkness that hangs over for the winter-half of the year.

This year however it's cloudy and raining so there will be no nice late evening sun to enjoy. I don't really mind, I keep the balcony door open and listen to the rain outside. I like it.

(But you know what I hate? It's getting darker now (since Monday), a few minutes per day. One won't really notice that until August or so though. But still. Depressing isn't it?)

Custom Yamaha YZF R1 2007

Custom Yamaha YZF R1 2007

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Plus Size Dresses For Weddings And Proms

For a Additional Admeasurement Girl, weddings and proms can be a arresting event. Not alone are the latest and greatest fashions, displayed on a admeasurement 2 manikin, they do not accept the aforementioned address back you try them on in a admeasurement 14 and up.

Statistics show, that six out of every 10 women are advised Additional Size, and abounding of these girls, are aloof big frames, not absolutely a ample admeasurement at all. But back they go arcade in the approved malls, they will acquisition dresses that are geared for abundant abate and lighter affected girls.

Plus admeasurement food accept started bustling up about the cities, as the retailers see that there is a need, but still abounding of the styles do not adulate the additional admeasurement girl. Girls alpha blast dieting to try and fit in with the norm, or clasp themselves into dresses that aloof don't fit.

If you eat well, and exercise your body, and you are a admeasurement 14, again that is your size. Stop attractive at the calibration and use a band admeasurement only. Admeasurement yourself properly, do not blot aggregate in to attending an inch smaller, booty you absolute measurement, and again arch for food that will acquisition a dress that will fit you.

You do not appetite to be amazement on your bells day, or back dancing with your admirer at your prom, you appetite to bethink it, and accept a acceptable time. One of the best means to attending attractive on your bells day, or brawl date, is to acquisition a dress that fits all of your curves. It doesn't cull in one place, and appendage out another. If you abrasion a dress that is too small, you will absolutely attending chunkier than if you get a dress that fits you well.

There are so abounding abundant styles out there now, designers are cutting their pencils and advancing up with some absolutely hot looks, and you are not bound to the bounded capital for your additional admeasurement brawl dresses and bells dresses. Alpha demography a acceptable attending at some online stores. The internet is a huge arcade mall, and there are some abundant sites that baby to the additional admeasurement girl, and all of her curves.

Get the appropriate appearance and admeasurement of dress and you will angle tall, attending slimmer and feel like a actor bucks. Get the admeasurement tag out of your head, and use it as a adviser alone for your measurements, again aloof go by the fit, and not the number.

Marvelous Motorcycles

Since the first internal combustion motorcycle was developed in 1885, by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, people have been fascinated by them. This fascination has led to innovation and to some pretty unique bikes along the way. Check out these 30 examples of unique motorcycles.

Perfect Princess Engagement Ring

Wedding Rings, Wedding Pictures
This ring is perfect for your spouse, there are so many different stones and different accents for an engagement ring. Suitable for long-term partner's love for eternity.

Custom Yamaha YZF R6 2007

Yamaha TZF R6You especially like about the Yamaha R1 please see.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Specification Of Yamaha YZF R6 2010

specification of yamaha yzf r6 2010 Yamaha YZF-R6 is a motorcycle that powere with engine 599cc liquid-cooled inline 4-cylinder; DOHC and 16 titanium valves.The other specifications of 2010 Yamaha YZF-R6 are as the following:-Final Drive: Chain-Bore x Stroke 67.0 x 42.5mm-Compression Ratio 13.1:1-Fuel Delivery Fuel Injection with YCC-T and YCC-I-Ignition : TCI: Transistor Controlled


MODIFICATION MOTOGP R6 SATRIAModification of the motor is channeling creativity to create and innovate so that it can be realized according to what the chill and in the form of real teraplikasikan. Djarum Black MOTODIFY 2010 who visited the city of Pekanbaru is the fifth city of roadshownya also displays a nice shape modifications like John Anga in preparing Satria FU 150 SE.Newer concepts

Simple and Beautiful Wedding Hair Updos 2010 with Little Flowers

Wedding Hair, Wedding Hairstyles
Simple and Beautiful Wedding Hair Updos 2010 with Little Flowers

3 Motorsport Yamaha R1 Custom

Yamaha R1:Yamaha R1 super extremeYamaha R1 customYamaha YZF R1 modification

Sunday, June 20, 2010


today is the day I'm moving. I will be in the middle of bags, suitcases and boxes, but over here I'll be joining Dotti at her virtual coffee party.

(Dress - Big Beautiful Barbara Brown, Head piece - Frollein von Sofa. The gloves and bag are vintage. )

Vintage Wedding Cake Topper Bicycle

Wedding Cake, Wedding Cakes
Vintage Wedding Cake Topper Bicycle


The Sounds (and yes once again, the Finnish Sounds form the 60's, not the contemporary Swedes :) - Kaipaan Sua

The Sounds did typical rautalanka music, using influences of melancholic Scandinavian traditional songs, like in this song (although rautalanka in general is instrumental).

(Updated Soft Sunday on Spotify : here)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jacket of wedding suit should fit and comfortable

Wedding Suit, Wedding Dresses
Jacket of wedding suit should fit and comfortable. With wear comfortable clothing that will be fun. Jas marriage should provide more flexibility in moving.


I've been shooting a commercial today and the hairstylist put a whole bottle of spray into my hair - it looks like a wig and feels like a helmet! Like I can safely go and bump my head into doors and walls now.
Insane. (And we cut off hairs peeking out of the 'do. That's insane).
But anyway, it looks normal on film.

Beautiful Blue and Pink Wedding Suit

Wedding Dresses, Wedding Dress
Wedding Dresses, Wedding DressBeautiful Blue and Pink Wedding Suit

Walpaper Cagiva Motorsport


Vintage Long Sleeve Ivory Wedding Dress

Dresses, Wedding Dresses
Vintage Long Sleeve Ivory Wedding Dress

Picture Kawasaki Ninja RR

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ferrari V4 Motorcycle Concept

We try not to tease you with concepts too often, but this Ferrari V4 superbike by Israeli industrial designer Amir Glinik is just too beautiful to pass up. Packed with a modified engine from a Ferrari Enzo, hand controls from a F-16 fighter jet and buttons from a Formula 1 race car, there's not much in the world of badass that hasn't






Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wedding Dress 2010 with "Something Blue"

Dresses, Wedding Dresses
The blue color makes us feel vibrant, courageous, warm and soothing. Blue can be very special if applied in a wedding dress, especially if the beach wedding. Blue symbolizes the ancient Romans as a symbol of love and fidelity. Hope can be an inspiration in a dream wedding day.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I love playing around with photo effects (especially at those moments when I should be working with something totally different or say, just be sleeping). Photoshop is a brilliant too if you know how to use it (can be devastating-or embarrassing- if you don't)*, and full of new things to find out all the time. Although I prefer to alter my images myself- for work, promo or just me- I still find interesting and fun to search for and try out online image generators; see how they might be built, how similar the transformed images turn out, and perhaps to copy the effects. At one point I was a bit fascinated with poladroid, and now the hipstamatic application that everyone's sporting (well, which is for iphones and not computers - yet ).

Tonight I got stuck on a japanese site transforming my pictures into very very old:

You can find and play with it here: labs.wanokoto.jp/olds

I think it only works properly on pc's though as I was not able to download the pics to my mac. I transformed a lot of pics for fun to see different results and on what kind of images the effect works on; it's easy as the site is rather fast.
The pictures featured above are screenshots.

(The images with the parasol are originally by S.Korhonen)

*)= Once a girl commented on a post of mine saying the picture was badly photoshopped so that my arm looked strange. I coulnd't get what the hell she was talking about** - that pic was straight out of the camera. And btw even if I often correct the levels and light, sometimes may blur away a messy flat in the background or add some colour filters for effects I do not change my limbs here on the blog :)

**)= You don't put me, bad and photoshop in the same sentence!
(Unless someone else fucked up a picture with me in it, of course:)