Saturday, June 5, 2010

FLAT-TO-BE, phase 2 1/2 & 3

Mostly phase three, as I forgot to take pictures there in between... pretty much how things are now:

This is the room with all the stuff in it you could see in the previous post. The study. Btw you'd never believe on of the most heavily trafficked roads in Finland runs just behind those trees.

Bedroom floor done. We'll most likely paint it, but struggle between two colors; pearl grey and black. A shiny black wooden floor looks great, but it might be too dark for this room though.

New shiny kitchen floor and strawberry milkshake-coloured walls! There's not much else in the kitchen for the moment though, except electrical stuff (as you can see).

My grandparents lived in Canada and the US, California mostly in the 1950's and 60's and later in Tanzania. There are some items of that time "left over". I found this wooden box in the basement. I think I'll keep flowers in it, on the balcony. (I'm also keeping the small table the box is on as my grandmother had no use for it in their new home.)

The wooden fruit box was lined with old, early 60's newspaper ads.

Soon it will be kitchen time!

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