Saturday, September 11, 2010


It's wet, rough and cold outside, the kind of autumn weather that demands sitting inside drinking tea. Which I've done all day since our outdoor-shoot was cancelled. It's strange how the seasons sometimes changes so fast, a mere month ago we were still sweating and cursing the heat.
Two months ago, exactly, looked like this:

I came out to my family's summer place, Mölandet, the night before and my parents and I went to pick up Eddi by boat in the morning.

One drives across Helsinki going from our summer place to where we live.

Our home behind the trees, we picked him up here.

Arriving back at Mölandet.

Had some bubbly under the parasol.

The cats were enjoying themselves outside.

My sister and her dog.

Eating out, literally. We eat outside everyday as long as it's not raining.

Night falls.

The biggest harbor in Finland is just around the corner; around the bend of our house. Hello work! (well not really, I don't have to go there myself anymore but to another harbour but anyway, hello our ships.) It was built for years and finished a couple of years ago, after a decade of protests from environmental organizations and everyone nearby. They even had to take away one island in order to place it there.

But the lights are kind of pretty though if you think of it. And from our place you only see it from one side. The archipelago is still intact in the other direction.

Two months can go so fast but feel like a whole year!

Mölandet is so close but I still only made it out there for a couple of days this summer, just like last year. Sad. But next year perhaps...

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