Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I'm talking a little bit about shoes and posing in three favorite pairs in the latest number of Trendi magazine.

I've caught some sort of virus cold, giving me an annoying headache and making me terribly tired. Just as I had a few days off work and intended to do lots of stuff. Damn! Apart form a visit to the doctor and the store I've been resting at home and playing the piano with Lulu, mostly Satie.

I was feeling something fresh and spicy so I made us a nacho salad. With mixed green salad, beans, hot salsa, home made guacamole, sour cream, some cheddar and lots on nachos. For a vegan version skip the sour cream and the cheese, it works alright without. One can also change the beans to soy meat.

It really annoys me that many nothern bloggers have been whining on about spring this and spring that and how we all hope it will come soon for quite some time already. Well, I kind of do that too I'm afraid, a little at least. So; spring bla bla blah I got myself a springy little plant today.

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