Saturday, March 26, 2011


But yes, ahum, there's been a lot of that lately.

No spring vibes here no!
Welcome to the black-blog where you can get inspiration on how to wear basically the same tuff in similar ways!

No, but seriously, lately I've done a lot of proving ones point regarding black ensembles as the easiest to go for when doing long days and in a hurry -I'm really waiting for some time off... I just always seem to get involved in or take on new projects after one is finished. And most of them are fun or interesting to do. But I should learn to take it easy too!

Here are some of the things I've done and will do lately, packing my bag the night before and leaving home at 05.40 in the morning for work: Thursday - to the studio for the PS show after work and home in the evening. Friday - did a burlesque themed shoot right after work (in the harbour! It got a bit cold after a while :) And this weekend I'll spend 25hours in the harbour as usual (that's the way it goes when on weekend duty, every third week) and on Monday I'll go straight from work to the Casino where we have an evening show. And on Tuesday I need to go to the accountant to get last year's declarations signed and then on to a shoot and then a meeting.

But you know what? I seem to have Wednesday and Friday free (although I'm sure I will come up with something..) so I can actually go to the gym and finally tidy up at home! Droool.

(Oh, I almost forgot as somebody will ask anyway: skirt by Olivia Rouge, shoes Melissa, top from H&M just a few weeks ago so yes they probably still have them :), belt by Vivien of Holloway. The bag & beret are vintage.)

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