Sunday, February 27, 2011


I've played this song here before and now I'll play it again; Badding's Paratiisi is a little bit like rautalanka in the sense that you can never play it enough. It's about a summer's day, sort of.

This time perhaps played to celebrate that today it finally felt like spring!
Or that I just saved 250 euros buy NOT buying that Kitchen Aid blender I went out to get. (It actually was ugly now that I saw it the second time.) But that means poor little tired-from-Saturday-night me will be without a Sunday smoothie.

Badding, who drank himself to death in the late eigthies, wasn't exactly a pretty boy and did not elad a happy life, but he sure could sing and make music Finns like. Valot, as you've heard some Sundays ago is also one of Badding's.

psst! If you have a good clue on a nice blender that looks good hand'em over! Warings mint green one would be nice but I have a small creepy feeling it won't work over here (damn you US and youd different power system!) and pulling a cat-lamp won't work in order to get smoothies... Thinking of a Kenwood I know one can get in cream colour, but seems to be hard to find over here as other people obviously only want them in black red or white...

Friday, February 25, 2011


3 x late breakfast or 'stuff I ate before going to work this week'.

(To be labelled as "Intresseklubben antecknar" or "thanks for sharing" :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Our second group shot from the Helsinki Burlesque Festival by Atelieri O.Haapala; The Itty-Bitty Tease Cabaret's wild evil tigresses. We look pretty well tamed in the picture though...

You can view all portraits on Atelieri's flickr.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Or, casual and casual, depends on how you see it.

The shirt is Vivien of Holloway and the skirt made for me by Olivia Rouge.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


One of our group shots from the Ateileri shooting at the Helsinki Burlesque Festival (as you could see in the video) earlier this month; The Itty-Bitty Tease Cabaret : Surfin' Bird.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011


Been trying to bring on the warmth -I listen to Hawaiian guitars and we went out for (a lot of) tiki cocktails, but it didn't help - it's just getting colder and colder here! (But it was a good excuse to have lots of tropical drinks.)

Dress - 1950's vintage from Love Miss Daisy

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


- with some springy vibes underneath!

It might be minus a fucking lot right now, but the sun does warm during the day; everybody is determined that this is the last cold before spring sets in. We might get let down and disappointed on that one, but I did a little boost however and added some spring vibes to the otherwise over all black. (As seen before, I always associate spring with mint green and coral, mostly.)

And yes, I wear skirts in minus twenty C, as I have my tips and my tricks. It's the anatomy of dressing when really cold put into action!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


The internet, oh, the internet. A never ending source of information. And inspiration! And - disinformation, crap and bullshit. A space to spend time well worth, and also waist it. A place of gain and ruin. Heaven and hell. Hallelujah!

But. Although I might spend a little too much time and money online from time to time, the internet is very useful for me. Often thanks to my Freelancer's Fashion Facebook page - and to all of you. Why? Because you help me find the stuff I want!(A desire and need most likely created by the internet in the first place, but hey, that's peanuts at this point).

The most acute Must Haves are stuff that I realize I can very well live without if I wait one week and decide in fact not to give in to the desire.

But sometimes again the quick compulsive need to buy a certain thing can turn out very well, and become a long lasting well used item; I am mostly referring to clothes here now, but this actually applies to about half of my tattoos as well.

The latest in this case was a kitten dress - a dress with kittens on it! Not spotted on the web actually, but in real life, on a girl. And then it struck me - what the hell? A kitten dress? Of course! How had I been able to live my whole life without one so far? So I asked her about the dress, she told me the brand name, didn't quite catch it, then forgot it. As you know, here's where the internet comes in handy. But my friend Google was not able to help this time. The game wasn't all lost at that point though - post it on the Facebook page and woah! - some moments later I have the link.

Ta-taa! Kitty dress found.

However, after thinking about it I for a while I decided the dress perhaps was a little bit too expensive considering all the other things I am in a totally and very desperate need of (yes) and considering the fact the the cut on the dress was nice but not that extraordinary _ I should perhaps not buy it after all. But, in the same time I also realized I really had to have a dress with small furry felines on it. Well, now I needed to get my hand on the fabric instead; which I eventually did (also trough the help of some followers), after first browsing hundreds of kitty fabrics on ebay.
In the end I did go for anohter fabric instead, with retro kitties on. Meow meow!

This one right here, on it's way to me now.

I'd love to turn it into a two piece dress, or perhaps a shirt and circle skirt. Or a shirt waist dress.


Now of course, another question is; will I actually ever fix myself that kitty dress?Knowing me, those of you who do, might have your doubts.

So, a little poll:
A. I will get the two-piece dress done in time for summer
B. I will skip the original idea and go for an easier version, but get it done.
C. I will get the dress done in time for summer 2012
D. I will have the dress done by someone else (which will make it a very expensive kitty dress in the end)
E. The fabric will end up looking really good among the other fabrics that are waiting forever in my fabric box.

What do you think?

PS.The kitty dress I did not get was by Limb clothing and the kittens-fabric by Micheal Miller Fabrics (great fabrics!).

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Joi Lansing - Web of Love; Scopitone 1966.

I have a thing for Scopitone* clips; I just can't get enough of them! Very much a product of their time, they feel utterly kitsch today. As with many popular culture things of the past, some may seem a bit too camp or tasteless**, but I don't think they were all meant to be taken too seriously in the first place - like this song with Joi Lansing. I think it's superb (in it's own category). It's also rather burlesque. And the snake, goddamit!

*) Scopitones were jukeboxes with something of music videos in them, illustrated songs, made in the late fifties and under the sixties (and somewhat the seventies too). For more, check out the Scopitone Blog for example. And Youtube.

**)well, tasteless and tasteless, that's how it's said, but one could perhaps call it another kind of taste, and lots of it. I mean, one wouldn't maybe describe all music videos of today to be made with that much good taste either?

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Aaaaaand, we have another winner tonight!

As usual, I wish it'd be possible for all of you to get a little something in the mail, but as you know there can only be one... And this time the lucky one who will win the delicious sweethearts set from Playful Promises is...
Tanïa! Congratulations :)


So, the Vivien of Holloway valentine's giveaway has come to an end. Thank you all for your participating!

The winner was drawn among those who had answered correctly, and the lucky gal was...
Katja, from the Netherlands!


A video of Atelieri O.Haapala photographing the guests and performers of The Helsinki Burlesque Festival 2011. You can spot lovely Cherry Typhoon from Japan, gorgeus Alotta Boutté and my favorite Kitten On the Keys (from the US) getting their portaits taken. And also us, The Itty-Bitty Tease Cabaret!

Can't wait to see the results, as I know that the outcome is always very very good.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The Vivien of Holloway competition will end tonight, instead of tomorrow like previously announced! This due to the shipping; so that the winner can receive her products in time for Valentine's Day for sure. So still some more hours time to answer if you already have not!

And as you already know, the Sweethearts give away winner by Playful Promises will also be announced tonight, like planned.

Good luck!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Posters and postcards from the Come To Finland book; a book about vintage travel posters for Finland. I love old travel posters, and well, old posters in general. It's also interesting to see branding for Finland from back in the days.

You can browse the book as a whole online - I found some posters I remember form my childhood that were on the walls of our summerhouse (they still are actually). You can buy the posters and cards separately too, but I'll go for the book (and I actually intend to get it now, and not wait for some years like I unintentionally did with the Jaffas...)

EDIT : I have to add, as I realized many of you do not know; it's interesting and a bit sad too perhaps to see the poster for Wiipuri - Finland lost that big and old city to Soviet after the war, and tens of thousands of people had to leave their homes, buildings and businesses behind. Some of my family lived there in the early 1900's too.

Monday, February 7, 2011


(Photo from last Saturday's Burlesque Festival -I'm a really fierce snake as you see- by Adam Monaghan)

I've been blog awarded/nominated by a lot of nice bloggers during autumn and winter (thank you all), often with the list-seven-things-of-yourself included.I don't blog about the awards on but here are some seven:

-I'm addicted to checking my email.

-My parents used to, among other nicknames, call me Iggi PÃ¥pp (you know, like Iggy) when I was smaller. And sometimes still.

-I shared a flat with a rocket scientist one summer.

-I get addicted to certain foods for a certain period at the time. Right now; soured milk with blueberries and Caesar salad. I have to eat those five time a week, at least.

-As you may know I have a degree in graphic design and media but I have no intention of working at any agency or studio. To be honest, sometimes I have no ida what my intentions are, work wise.

-I used to hate my behind and there were times when I could not dance in the middle of the dance floor, always the back to the wall. And now I perform and shake that thaeng in front of hundreds of people. Things change.

-I've worked in the harbor for more than ten years. Gone for longer and shorter periods every now and then, but still; a little more than a third of my life.

Seven older ones, from the time I was addicted to berrie pudding and that Happy Cow millshake (I keep on forgetting the name and thinking of it as Mad Cow Milkshake or Crazy Cow but 'm pretty sure that's not the right ones :) can be found here. (I hate the photo of me in that post btw. And if I would be one of those to use internet acronyms I'd add LOL here, but I'm not; I don't. Although I kind of just did).


Saturday, February 5, 2011


In case someone's not already, here's some stuff to get ou in the mood for tonights huge venue; The Helsinki Burlesque Festival 2011!

Strapless wedding dress with criss and crossing of multiple layers of soft

Wedding Dresses, Dresses
Strapless wedding dress with criss and crossing of multiple layers of soft

Friday, February 4, 2011


I was contacted by Playful Promises, which I think you all remember from before; the brand with playful and retroinspired cute lingerie?

They wanted to let you all know the following:
First, for those of you who will be around London next Thursday, the 10th, there will be a "Late Night Love In" at their East London boutique withbubbly chocolate and 20% off all night, also a burlesque appearance and the chance to win tickets to the TASSEL CLUB Burlesque night.

Second, Playful Promises and Retro Photo Studio have a little competition going on; looking for someone who represents the everyday woman to be turned into a new pin up princess. The winner will get a retrolicious photoshoot in Playful Promoses lingerie - you can read more about it on the Playful Promises Blog!

Third and last, but definitely not least: Playful Promises are giving away the delicious Sweet hearts set in the picture above to one of you -just in time for Valentine's Day!
♥ ♥ ♥

To enter the give away, leave me a comment on this post. Be sure you are linked to a functioning site / profile, or leave me your email in the comment. As usual, only one comment per person, but if you do tweet or post about this give away, linking to it, you may leave me another comment per link, showing me where and what .

The competition will run until February 10th, when I'll draw the winner at random.
Be sure you check your emails then, Playful Promises can do a quick delivery for you to get the lingerie in time for Valentine's Day!
♥ ♥ ♥

PS. You still have one weeks time to enter the Vivien of Holloway competition too. Try your luck!

Strapless Wedding Dress 2011 with Puffy Double Tier Skirt

Dresses, Wedding Dresses
Strapless Wedding Dress 2011 with Puffy Double Tier Skirt

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So, I'm not sure how much time I'll be spending in my favourite hangout, the internet, in the following days to come (you have to add a little sarcasm to that) - I'll be busy rehearsing, preparing costumes, running around on burlesque belly dance and Japanese fan dance workshops, warm up clubs and such.
But, meanwhile I'll keep you and your fingers busy with a new tutorial:

Eddi says his grandmother used to wear her hair like this. This do most likely even has some name that I just don't know of. It's easy to make and good for the days your hair is starting to get a little dirty or messy from old curls. But it will also work when your locks are too clean and light. If my hair is any of the two first options I like to make the do a bit loose and messy and if my hair is newly washed I roll it sleek and tightly. When rolled loosely with curly brushed out hair you can also imitate something of a belle époque look, and why not add some piece of jewellery too. But more on the variations later.

(You've seen the do here and here before for example.)

I'm making mroe of the messy do here; my hair is a bit frizzy and I'm in a hurry.

First, brush out the hair and keep it in your normal parting. I guess you could pin the hair in the back to keep the crown sleek, but I don't.

Start by twisting your hair upwards. I start a little bit before my parting. You have to twist quite tightly in the beginning as the roll will loosen up before you have the time to pin it. Keep on twisting along your hair line.

When you reach the ear you can stick in a pin to secure it, in this case my hair is messy enough so I won't need to.

Keep on rolling past the ear and downwards, grabbing more hair along. Roll it rather tiglty (and yes, it looks disguisting when the skin stretches but it will loosen up:)

When rolling the back, try to make sure all hairs join the roll, and that no sections are too puffy on the top of your head. You can correct this a little bit afterwards while pinning too, or in between if your grip on the roll is hard enough.

The tricky part is the other ear. Just keep on rolling past it, don't let go.

When you reach the beginning of your roll you start twisting the hair around it again. It sounds a bit tricky but it's actually not! You might have to do it a bit slower at this point and really twist and roll it to make it stay.

Secure with bobby pins; stick them in the roll. You can also use bigger pins in the back, twist them into the hair to make the roll stay.

Zig zag your hair a bit if it feels too tight by pressing the roll towards your headwith your hands, although remember the roll will loosen up after a while.

Correct and sleek uneven sections with you hands and/or a comb, spray or add your product of preference.

This will work on shorter and longer hair; the shorter the hair the thinner the roll will be.

You can also make the roll in two parts; one in front and another in the back (like the "back roll 'do". And, also, you can use a rat in both the front and the back for a bigger do, both in the all-round version but especially if you choose to make one in the front and another in the back.

This is a great do for small hats as they will fit nicely on in the middle of your roll. If it's very cold and your little ears will freeze without being covered up, you can use a head band, like I do here.

So, good luck with the rolling. And remember, if you ever try out any of these hairdo's I'd love to see pictures!

ps. mini version of the tutorial: click!