Sunday, February 27, 2011


I've played this song here before and now I'll play it again; Badding's Paratiisi is a little bit like rautalanka in the sense that you can never play it enough. It's about a summer's day, sort of.

This time perhaps played to celebrate that today it finally felt like spring!
Or that I just saved 250 euros buy NOT buying that Kitchen Aid blender I went out to get. (It actually was ugly now that I saw it the second time.) But that means poor little tired-from-Saturday-night me will be without a Sunday smoothie.

Badding, who drank himself to death in the late eigthies, wasn't exactly a pretty boy and did not elad a happy life, but he sure could sing and make music Finns like. Valot, as you've heard some Sundays ago is also one of Badding's.

psst! If you have a good clue on a nice blender that looks good hand'em over! Warings mint green one would be nice but I have a small creepy feeling it won't work over here (damn you US and youd different power system!) and pulling a cat-lamp won't work in order to get smoothies... Thinking of a Kenwood I know one can get in cream colour, but seems to be hard to find over here as other people obviously only want them in black red or white...

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