Monday, February 7, 2011


(Photo from last Saturday's Burlesque Festival -I'm a really fierce snake as you see- by Adam Monaghan)

I've been blog awarded/nominated by a lot of nice bloggers during autumn and winter (thank you all), often with the list-seven-things-of-yourself included.I don't blog about the awards on but here are some seven:

-I'm addicted to checking my email.

-My parents used to, among other nicknames, call me Iggi Påpp (you know, like Iggy) when I was smaller. And sometimes still.

-I shared a flat with a rocket scientist one summer.

-I get addicted to certain foods for a certain period at the time. Right now; soured milk with blueberries and Caesar salad. I have to eat those five time a week, at least.

-As you may know I have a degree in graphic design and media but I have no intention of working at any agency or studio. To be honest, sometimes I have no ida what my intentions are, work wise.

-I used to hate my behind and there were times when I could not dance in the middle of the dance floor, always the back to the wall. And now I perform and shake that thaeng in front of hundreds of people. Things change.

-I've worked in the harbor for more than ten years. Gone for longer and shorter periods every now and then, but still; a little more than a third of my life.

Seven older ones, from the time I was addicted to berrie pudding and that Happy Cow millshake (I keep on forgetting the name and thinking of it as Mad Cow Milkshake or Crazy Cow but 'm pretty sure that's not the right ones :) can be found here. (I hate the photo of me in that post btw. And if I would be one of those to use internet acronyms I'd add LOL here, but I'm not; I don't. Although I kind of just did).


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