Saturday, February 12, 2011


Joi Lansing - Web of Love; Scopitone 1966.

I have a thing for Scopitone* clips; I just can't get enough of them! Very much a product of their time, they feel utterly kitsch today. As with many popular culture things of the past, some may seem a bit too camp or tasteless**, but I don't think they were all meant to be taken too seriously in the first place - like this song with Joi Lansing. I think it's superb (in it's own category). It's also rather burlesque. And the snake, goddamit!

*) Scopitones were jukeboxes with something of music videos in them, illustrated songs, made in the late fifties and under the sixties (and somewhat the seventies too). For more, check out the Scopitone Blog for example. And Youtube.

**)well, tasteless and tasteless, that's how it's said, but one could perhaps call it another kind of taste, and lots of it. I mean, one wouldn't maybe describe all music videos of today to be made with that much good taste either?

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